Dear Sir/Madam

My name is Dr. Jahanzeeb Qurashi and I would like to express my interest for the full-time position of Senior Lecturer of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Managements.

In 2018, I have concluded my PhD Research Degree in Tourism Mananagemnt from University of Central Lancashire United Kingdom.

My research addresses the significant gaps in the contemporary Tourism and Hospitality experiences, addressing the areas of Hospitality operations, Mega Events operations, Tourism & hospitality sustainability, Event management/risk assessments and Marketing/Business literature. Specifically, it uniquely explores the relationship between commodification, commoditisation, commercialisation, authenticity, and the experiences of tourists/pilgrim/guest/customer/Marketing consumer behaviour in the context of a major Mega Religious Tourism Event of Hajj in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In so doing, it makes a significant, empirical research-based contribution to knowledge, building on and confirming conceptual arguments in the Tourism and Hospitality literature that, in the case of the mega tourism event, a causal relationship exists among commodification, Tourism, contemporary Hospitality, authenticity of destination and luxury Spiritual entertainment, resultant in touristic experiences.


Furthermore, my first Master’s Degree (MA) was in ‘International Hospitality Management’ from University of Birmingham UK. This degree took me to another higher level of Hospitality and Event industry. I have learned more in-depth that Hospitality and Event industry is a vast, global, and dynamic sector which is constantly developing and expanding. I developed my knowledge and understanding of the Hospitality/Event industry and the macro and microenvironment in which it operates. It has increased my critical awareness of contemporary issues and new insights into the area of professional practice. For instance, I have learned how to work, design and implement managerial and leadership strategies within the changing dynamics of Hospitality, Tourism and Event industry. Moreover, I had chance to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative Hospitality and managerial and leadership approaches and appreciate the changing culture of the contemporary Hospitality, Events and Tourism technological environment. The unique part of this degree was I came across international opportunities that fit a wide number of interests and career goals. I have learned about some of the most popular areas of the event sector including international music, festivals, entertainment technologies, art exhibitions, luxury events and fashion shows. The course gave me an understanding of the planning, design, and delivery of events one should need for a successful career. The skills I have learned include creativity, originality, social responsibility, critical thinking, humanity, and decision making. I have learned the skills to work in the tourism/Hospitality/Event entertainment business, industry-specific knowledge for a career in events, working on everything from fashion and entertainment to festivals and modelling.

My second Master’s degree (Master of Business Administration, MBA) was from University of Chester UK in Marketing & Business. This degree not only developed my ability to perform at the highest level in global and domestic business but also enhance and develop my Entrepreneurship skills. I am glad for choosing MBA in International Business and Marketing; it has developed an ability inside me to apply theory into practice. I have been placed in two distinctive and challenging enterprise projects, where I have worked closely with businesses in the UK and worldwide to improve my global awareness. For instance, I had been placed on two distinctive and challenging enterprise projects with (Mitchel and Butlers Group, UK and DHL section at Heathrow Airport London, UK), where I have learned closely with businesses in the UK and worldwide to improve my global marketing, leadership skills, corporate strategy, and research awareness. Additionally,

I have learned Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship key concepts that helped me to uncover the complex nature of organisations and the business environment. I have explored the significance of entrepreneurship to both business and the world. Most exciting of all, I learned how to find a gap in the business to explore new opportunities to start and launch own innovative venture.



Additionally, my Bachelor’s degree (Hons) in Hospitality and Tourism Business Administration from University of Birmingham UK; this degree gave me a holistic perspective of the Business, Hospitality operations, Tourism, Event and Entertainment industry not only from supply, demand and operations perspective but also from management, economics and technology side as well. Additionally, practically I got the chance to comprehend money matters, technological and managerial skills by having the opportunity to plan and run hospitality and tourism events operations– overseeing all the elements from marketing, entertainment, sustainability issues, technology, destination tourism development, caterings, human resources issues, finance, risk assessment and operations.


Eventually, my Post Gradate Certificate (PGC) in Business Research Methods from University of Central Lancashire UK gave me advanced research skills not only for academia but for the commercial world as well. This qualification not only supported me in my MPhil process but PhD and teaching pedagogies as well. It assisted me to teach and supervise my undergraduate and postgraduate student’s research projects (Qualitative & Quantitative).

Additionally, the Business Research Methods provided me with the necessary skills and knowledge to determine the information necessary to address the identified basic or applied research problem and, using these skills and knowledge, develop an actionable research/marketing/business proposal. I have gained an understanding of relevant approaches, elements, and stages of undertaking a research enquiry to provide insights to solving a relevant business problem. I have developed core competence required to carry out a research enquiry, including identifying and formulating research problems, setting appropriate research objectives, selecting, and applying appropriate research approaches, secondary and primary data collection and instruments, sampling, and analysis methods, as well as the importance of ethical conduct in business research. These methods and techniques essentially supported me in the execution of effective, coherent, and rigorous research for informed Social Sciences issues, business decisions, strategies, and practices.


In my previous professional roles, I was involved in the revision, validation/re-validation improvement and contribute to the planning, design and development of curriculum and material of higher education. The preparation for and delivery of classroom/online-based sessions of Tourism, Hospitality and Events was also the part of my role. Additionally, in enhancing the student learning experience by proactively encouraging and supporting students throughout their learning, setting activities, and providing appropriate, constructive formative and summative feedback on students’ activities via classroom and online environments was one of my responsibilities.

Furthermore, I was involved in ensuring that each student has gained an appropriate understanding of the key concepts, theories, and examples and current market trends in the module for this I always design my courses according to the needs and requirements of the contemporary trends in the tourism, hospitality and events industry. My other roles included contribution to the assessment process including the setting, marking and internal verification. To give students more pragmatic learning I always maintained industrial and vocational links. I design modules according to ‘‘what’s contemporary among employers and industry’’ so the student can learn more about modern trends and it helps them in searching jobs.

I am active in other faculty responsibilities such as:  course, syllabus, and curriculum development and review, student learning outcomes/success and assessment, program review, committees, research, and special projects as needed in the discipline/department. Eventually, I was participating in a module marking standardization exercise and also most importantly I was involved in writing for Grants and Funding as well. For instance, recently due to my international professional contacts I have accumulated the grant of $5000 for Middle Tennessee State University. This is done by developing collaborative class activities that bring students together across time zones, language and cultural backgrounds.


Furthermore, academically my peer reviewed research articles and Book Chapter have already been published, and hopefully by the end of 2023, my other publications will be published as well. Currently I have attended four international conferences and willing to attend more in the future for my university and personal academic growth.




Qurashi, J. (2023) 2 Kilometres Journey in 70 years. The case of Kartarpur Sahib. A Sikh Temple on the border of India and Pakistan. An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. (Under review)


Qurashi, J and Sharpley, R. (2023) The Hajj: The Risk factors of pilgrimage journey due to pandemic. Journal of Current issues in Tourism. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. (Under review)


Qurashi, J. (2017) the commodification of Islamic religious tourism: from a spiritual to a touristic experience. Journal of International Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. Volume 5(1)


Qurashi, J and Sharpley, R. (2018) SMART Media Technologies Impact on the Spiritual Experience of Hajj Pilgrims. Journal of International Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. Volume 6 (3)


Book Chapters Publications:


Qurashi, J. (2018) Movement and Crowd Behaviour Book, 5th edition. Risk and Safety Challenges for Religious Tourism and Events, Leeds Beckett University, CABI publisher.


Qurashi, J. (2019) Over tourism: Issues, Realities, and Solutions: The Hajj: Crowding and Congestion Problems in Mega Events for Pilgrims and Hosts. Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management Ryerson University Canada, Walter de Gruyter GmbH. Genthiner Str. 13 .10785 Berlin. Deutschland.


Qurashi, J. (2019) Events, Tourism and Sacred Journeys: Diminishing Religious Cultural Heritage of Holy Mecca and Medina due to Commercialisation of Sacred Event.  Leeds Beckett University, CABI publisher.


Qurashi, J. (2020) Religious Tourism and the Event Environment: The Natural Environment and Waste Management at the Hajj. (2018) Brigham University USA, CABI publisher.



Conference Attended:

Moving Forward, September, 2021 Governor’s Conference on Hospitality and Tourism, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

8th Annual International Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Conference.1-4 June 2016, Konya, Turkey. Paper: Commodification of Islamic Religious Tourism: from Spiritual to Touristic Experience.


9th Annual International Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Conference. 28th June 2017 to 1st July 2017 Milan, Italy. Paper: SMART Media Technologies Impact on the Spiritual Experience of Hajj Pilgrims


Annual IEREK Cultural Sustainable Tourism Conference, 4-6 September 2017, Thessaloniki, Kentriki Makedonia, Greece. Paper: Business developments impact on the Contemporary Tourism in Pakistan


10th   Annual International Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Conference. 28th June 2018 to 1st July 2018 Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Paper: Opportunities and Challenges of Religious Destination Management: A case of Hajj in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


I am very much enthusiastic by adding value in the appropriate department through my own research and by designing/introducing new modules in syllabus, preparing teaching materials, delivering lectures, tutorials, seminars, and assessment of coursework in Hospitality, Tourism, Event experiences /Entertainment management and Business/Marketing core subjects.


Furthermore, I am capable of integrating technology to design online and on campus courses and their materials. I fully understand the online and on campus teaching pedagogies techniques. Currently I am using online teaching interaction with students through the different online tools/software such as Adobe Connect/Microsoft Teams/Zoom/D2L etc. support to conduct online classes/webinar activities; this assist student with homework and online projects or help learners understand subjects better in virtual classrooms.

My technological pedagogical techniques to engage students in the class are by using different software such as: ‘Virtual reality and 360-degree video technology I used to provide students with immersive experiences of tourist destinations, allowing them to explore and learn about different cultures, historical sites, and landmarks without leaving the classroom. Moreover, Interactive maps and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) I use to teach students about the geography of tourist destinations, including the location of attractions, transportation networks, and infrastructure. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, I also use to teach students about the role of digital marketing in the tourism industry and how companies use social media to reach and engage with customers. Additionally, the use of Video conferencing platforms I use to bring industry experts into the classroom, providing students with valuable insights into the tourism industry and the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions. Eventually, Eye Candy, Hotelier, Fidelio, Oracle’ Virtual Reality goggles for special effects and virtual hotel which enhance the charisma of Hospitality, Events, Tourism and entertainment. Also, I am using different activities to engage students (on-line and traditionally), which include critical analysis of case studies, critical group discussions, role plays, micro-presentations, group debates, drawing posters, video evidence, one minute dissertation/poster presentation and sharing student's personal leisure, entertainment, tourism and hospitality experiences.

I also believe in Problem-based learning strategy and technique called teaching/learning strategy. Both strategies support defining the focal problem, then using teamwork/individual, communication, data collection, decision-making, planning, goal-setting and reflective analysis to enhance student's learning.


In my whole professional career, I had worked in multi-ratio cultural organisations and students, which strengthened my interpersonal skills, teamwork and diversity area. However, building a team is a challenge but not impossible. I always teach those around me to give them open, honest feedback about their leadership, management, and personal skills qualities. Telling them what areas I am working on and enlist their help, also vice-versa. One might not always get the whole truth, but just demonstrating that you are trying to improve your emotional intelligence can help to motivate your team to improve their performance and productivity as well.


Furthermore, I have concluded my Academy of Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellow program (2022) from Middle Tennessee State University USA. I have learned in this program the art of Self-reflection and reached on the conclusion that how a lecturer can do reflection and converse their experiences, learning, and ideas to improve/change their teaching/learning styles according to the situation. Once the lecturer reviewed teaching session’s tasks as an activity and ask him/herself how this development can add value in his/her academic pedagogies. Eventually, this program taught me that teaching is a learning process that has no end, every day is a new day in the context of changing situations, conditions, environment, and student psychology.

In my previous academic role in Middle Tennessee State University, I anticipated and respond positively to different needs of students, staff and in the community. I always applied equality and diversity principles through everyday actions and activities and observing knowledge of university equality and diversity policy up to date. According to my academic and professional experience, it is widely noted that diverse teams lead to more innovative and effective ideas and implementation.


Finally, I am a believer and having some experience in a student success area. During my academic journey I have learned that student success can be achieved if Teaching, Learning and Assessment recognised by students as contemporary, inspiring, and responsive to their needs. For example this whole process require attention in the area of : academic programmes and curricula, the delivery offer will be innovative and flexible to meet the needs, teaching practice will be inspiring by utilising technology, work in partnership, embed a range of teaching strategies, programme has a work-based/professional element, graduates will be equipped with the skills and knowledge, assessment and feedback will be student focused and providing guidance, support and professional developmental opportunities for the staff to develop their own teaching practice.

I would like the opportunity to tell you more about my professional experiences and academic achievements. I can assure my skill set could not only contribute to the successful day-to-day running activities of your institute but also contribute to your marketing events. Please do not feel hesitate to contact me for further queries.




Last Resume Update November 21, 2023
Address Birmingham, United Kingdom
E-mail tipu_tipsee@hotmail.com
Phone Number 07448938733

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