Deborah Mellor

Early Years Foundation Stage Teacher

I would like to apply for the post of Early Years Foundation Stage Teacher. I have specialised in Early Years Education for over twenty years, working with children from ages 2-6. I have a sound knowledge of how young children learn, and believe that outstanding teaching is fully inclusive, and recognises, and meets the needs of each individual child. I ensure a broad, balanced, relevant and creative curriculum, and fully understand that attitudes and skills nurtured within the Foundation Stage affect pupil’s future learning.
My philosophy is that every child is capable, thoughtful and creative; that by encouraging and enabling pupils to do things for themselves they become self-motivated. I believe that self-motivated learners persevere, that they feel a sense of control over what they are doing and enjoy challenge. When children feel that they can achieve their goals they feel good about themselves, which benefits their mental health and wellbeing. My approach to learning is to ensure that it is playful, relaxed and fun.
I am a hard-working, enthusiastic and dedicated teacher who is able to form positive relationships and motivate my pupils to become active learners, encouraging them to explore, take risks, overcome challenges, and to develop resilience. I work flexibly and innovatively based upon the children’s interests and desires and utilise a wide range of resources; human, natural, home-made and educational. I constantly review and develop the learning environment to ensure that there are rich learning opportunities and stimulating resources.
My role as a practitioner is to strengthen and deepen children’s existing knowledge, extending vocabulary and using talk to help children develop awareness of their evolving strengths and skills. My thoughtful questioning encourages children to make links, choices and to develop their own ideas. I truly believe in Growth Mindset and am able to positively encourage and motivate all learners to achieve.
As an Early Years Foundation Stage Teacher the most precious resource available to me is my team of practitioners. I am a team player who respects and values the observations, skills and knowledge that Key Practitioners bring to the setting. As part of my role of Nursery Manager at Shawclough Community Primary School, which is currently a 68 place Nursery, I developed a strong, professional team of ten staff. By establishing weekly meetings, I created an open and honest climate where ideas and information could be shared effectively. I introduced a self-reflection procedure, enabling practitioners to identify their strengths, areas for development and hopes for the future. This enabled staff to access a wide range of training opportunities, ensuring high quality interactions and a highly motivated team. Additionally, I ran In Service Training, one example being ‘The Effective Use of Praise’ which ensured high quality interactions that scaffold and support learning. I have developed rotas and handbooks to support new practitioners to settle into their new role, ensuring continuity of high standards of care.
I have developed an open minded team, willing to try out new initiatives, we have introduced Yoga sessions, joined the daily tooth brushing scheme ‘Smiletime’ and regularly have visits from the M6 Theatre company as well as a large and friendly Saint Bernard Dog called Billy Boo. Billy Boo helps young children to learn how to interact safely with known or unaccompanied dogs, and has been very well received by all. We recognise the importance of outdoor play whatever the weather, and regularly explore the nearby woodlands for Teddy Bear’s Picnics, Bear Hunts and Seasonal Walks.
Having worked closely with the Specific Language Impairment Team I have trailed new interventions with great success, and have been selected by the authority to provide information and demonstration lessons for Rochdale’s Head of Schools.
I work seamlessly with Bi-lingual teaching assistants to meet the needs of our English as an Additional Language pupils and parents. A recent survey identified 13 different languages spoken within our Nursery. Close working relationships have ensured a swift and happy transitions, and excellent progress for these children.
I have an excellent understanding of what constitutes quality first teaching and plan effectively. I use the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum’ and ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ and identify ‘Next Steps’ based upon discussion with parents, and careful observation of how children interact in their play and during planned activities both indoors and outdoors. Careful observation has enabled us as a team to spot patterns of behaviour, or schemas, and to plan accordingly. For example, a child observed operating within a Trajectory Schema inside the setting was given plenty of opportunity to explore this safely using outdoor play equipment. In another example, a child observed operating within an Enveloping Schema was encouraged to build a series of dens, both indoors and out.
Formative and Summative assessment are essential in identifying next steps for individual children. I am able to identify trends using Data Analysis programmes, and use these to inform plans. I have created and developed assessment forms that are accessible to the whole team, and helpful in tracking progress, along with ‘In The Moment Plans’ that are manageable way for practitioners to record and identify next steps in child led learning. I encourage all Early Years practitioners to share progress with parents, using a balance of Learning Journey Booklets and technology like ‘2Build a Profile’ and ‘Twitter’ to share annotated photographs and videos demonstrating each child’s individual developmental journey.
i embrace an open door policy where parents are welcomed and encouraged to share important information. Providing a Key Practitioner for small groups of children helps to foster a culture of relaxed and comfortable communication.
I also organised themed Open Days where parents are encouraged to spend some time in the setting, playing and having fun with their child without any of life’s distractions.. I have also developed Home/School diaries, Parent’s Information Displays, Child Development book loan service and I ensure that every child and parent has daily access to their Learning Journey and can contribute to these.
In my role as Nursery Manager early identification of Special Educational Needs is fundamental and I work closely with school’s SENDCO. I am confident in sharing early concerns with parents sensitively and in working collaboratively to trial different approaches. I have taken the role as Lead Practitioner in Common Assessment Framework and Team Around the Family Meetings, liaising with a range of other professionals to support parents in identifying and accepting additional need, and have ensured referral to the appropriate service for diagnosis or support. I maintain confidentiality at all times and adhere to Safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures.
My organisational skills are excellent, enabling me to manage the staggered induction of three intakes for children aged 2-5 annually. I deliver Power Point Information Evenings for new parents, induction visits, home visits and one to one meetings with parents. I have sound time management skills, and the ability to prioritise effectively.
I work collaboratively with Senior Leaders and my team to agree long, medium and short term plans; for example, in anticipation of three non-verbal children with Downs Syndrome joining the setting we made the decision to create a sign language friendly environment, where every person was encouraged to use ‘Sign-a-long’ to support effective language and communication for all. This was a long term target, and one that we all felt enhanced our provision for all children and created a culture where staff and children learned a new skill together. Parents responded enthusiastically, using visual displays to sign their own and their children’s names, and signing to popular songs and nursery rhymes. I have served on the Governing body, and developed and maintained positive and supportive professional relationships with children, staff, parents and governors.
At Shawclough Community Primary School I had the opportunity to lead my team through an exciting expansion. A decision was taken to extend our provision to include two year olds. I undertook significant research and collaborated with educational advisors and the construction team to ensure that our provision was outstanding. I resourced the area, developed policies, planning and assessment forms and was involved in recruitment of staff.
I am very proud of the warm, welcoming and homely environment that was created, and as a team we found that by working with families from an early age we were able to demonstrate better levels of development in both prime and specific areas of the curriculum, as well as a reduction in transition and settling in time, providing a more consistent and secure learning environment for our children. I worked in collaboration with the Health Visiting Team to share Two-Year-Old Assessments. In 2017 Ofsted Inspectors commented upon the early development of phonics (voice sounds) within this area. The two-year-old provision was hugely popular with parents, and we doubled our intended intake to meet the demand.
Working in a two form entry school has enabled me to work collaboratively with my colleagues. I have taken an active role in three cycles of ‘Lesson Study’ where as professionals we identify children who are not making expected progress, and observe those children over a series of lessons, analysing learning and adapting teaching styles and approaches to promote greater engagement and progress. I have found this process highly rewarding as the confidence and achievement of these children is highly visible. I play an active role in the PHSE Curriculum Group, and I have also taken part in the Outstanding Learning Programme, exploring ‘Kagan’ teaching styles and techniques which has been informative. I attend annual Moderation Meetings and termly cluster meetings within the authority to ensure that my practice is current and my judgements sound. I have developed strong links with local schools, children’s centres and private settings to ensure outstanding practice, continuity and smooth transitions.
Since 1997 I have worked for ten years in a Reception Class and then for ten years in a large school Nursery. At my first teaching post St Wilfrid’s in Manchester I took the role of Foundation Stage Coordinator, with responsibility for the Nursery and Reception Class, whilst teaching in Reception. I also had the opportunity to spend a year working within Year One, disseminating good early years practise and play based learning for children with positive results. This was a single form entry school in a disadvantaged area. I developed excellent discipline by forming close working relationships and building trust, used positive behaviour management strategies and formed close links with the wider community, taking an active role in engaging families in their child’s education.
I thoroughly enjoyed developing children’s awareness of many reading strategies, including phonics. At this time the focus was upon ‘The Literacy Hour’ and ‘The Numeracy Hour.’ I administered Baseline Assessment and worked with Senior Leaders to use data to predict outcomes in the future. I developed a strong commitment to Equal Opportunities, and enjoyed the role of Equal Opportunities Co-ordinator, leading whole school training in identifying and dealing effectively with inequality.
I welcome the findings of the 2016 Bold Beginnings report, and agree that Headteachers and early years practitioners should put spoken language and reading at heart of the Early Years Curriculum in Reception. I recognise the critical role that phonics teaching plays in understanding alphabetic code, spelling and supporting early writing. Whilst I am confident in delivering the Progression in Phonics Programme, Direct Phonics and Read Write Inc. strategy, I am aware that not all children are phonic learners, and that some respond better to different approaches, including word recognition, picture cues, shape and length of words. I strongly believe that children should be taught to engage with and enjoy books; to apply prior knowledge, to predict, question, visualise, and draw inference and to develop retelling skills in order to comprehend text. I ensure that children learn about number, shape and space through fun, practical experimentation and formal written recording.
Over time I have developed confidence that I can reflect upon and review my own teaching and learning styles to meet the requirements of pupils in the Early Years Foundation Stage. I apply a holistic approach and seek to develop a calm and productive environment in which all can reach their full potential. I have the ability to inspire, lead and motivate the children and staff in the pursuit of excellence.
Overall, I aspire to be an outstanding member of the whole school team, who will work with energy, enthusiasm, passion, commitment and dedication to the profession. I believe that my skills, knowledge and experiences, my willingness to learn and my ability to form good relationships will all provide me with an excellent start to achieving our shared goal of raising standards of teaching and learning for all.
Thank you for considering my application, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Deborah Mellor

Last Resume Update May 1, 2019
Address Manchester, United Kingdom
Phone Number +447881238430

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