Mohamed Sennou

Customer Service specialist

I am a job Search and previous employer with many years of experience in Customer Service and also Certified of Cabin Crew Certificate I am
Dynamic person self-motivated with interpersonal Skills who always looking For new challenges.
I worked As a Customer service Agent for more than 06 years, I start
Working in a five stars Hotel In Morocco for one year From 2010
Till 2011 Than I did a training In a travel agency In DUBAI as Tour Consultant In 2011 For 1 month .During this experience I had learned many things : How to be responsible, how to work independently and
With a team, how to stay working under pressure, how to deal with customer in a Difficult Situations and so many other administrative duties.
After That I worked In a Front Office as Receptionist In Millennium
Hotel In Abu Dhabi for 2 years from 2012 till 2014 it was a really a very good experience for me my main tasks in this position was:
- Taking incoming calls resolving customer quires in regard to client.
- Registering all the call records in the sheet book.
- Booking requirements. I felt that my greatest strengths while I ’m
Doing my job are my strong commitment to providing an excellent And professional service to clients.

Last Resume Update April 27, 2019
Address El jadida, Morocco
Phone Number +212668726737

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