Giouksel Chasan Sali

Marine superintendent

Through my career in the moritime industry thot started since 2002 I monaged to goin extensive soiling experience visiting places oll around the world, building working habits in docking, novigotionol watch keeping, maintenonce, sofety, security, shipyord work periods, commissioning, surveys, Port Stote Controls ond establishing o lot of connections in the moritime industry. Overall I become more disciplined, responsible ond cooperative with sense of humor and more open to work ond communicote in teom with lots of people from different notionalities. As young ond ombitious person I cqn say thot I reolly enioy my profession and my future intentions are to continue my professionol development in the maritime industry.

Last Resume Update April 10, 2023
Address Xanthi, Greece
Phone Number +316934454580

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